
Posts Tagged ‘blood sugar levels’

Bitter Coffee Can Prevent Diabetes Disease

January 29, 2012 Leave a comment

Not just a warm atmosphere of the morning, a cup of coffee is also beneficial to health. If it has been more associated with heart health, coffee is now also proven beneficial for preventing diabetes

Coffee benefits in reducing the risk of diabetes is already known for a long time, although the exact mechanism is not known. Nowa recent study at Huazhong University of Science and Technologyreaffirms the allegations.

In a study also published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry is revealed, the consumption of 4 cups of coffee perday can reduce diabetes risk by 50 percent. Each addition of acup of coffee, the risk is reduced back to 7 percent.

According to the researchers, there are at least 3 content ofnaturally occurring compounds contained in coffee andefficacious in reducing the risk of diabetes. As quoted byWebMD, three are caffeine itself, kafeat acid and chlorogenicacid.

The risk of diabetes can be reduced through the consumption of coffee is a type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM Type-2). This type ofdiabetes is most commonly found, the number is around 90-95percent of all people with diabetes including type 1.

Type 2 diabetes usually affects adults, although sometimeschildren can also have it. If type 1 diabetes is usually obtained asa congenital abnormality, diabetes type 2 caused more by an unhealthy lifestyle.

In this type of diabetes, the body’s ability to process sugar is reduced or even no work at all so that blood sugar levels to accumulate. Compilation of this disorder is quite diverse, rangingfrom kidney failure, retinal damage and impotence in men.

Lack of Sleep Trigger Diabetes

January 29, 2012 2 comments

Researchers from New York found that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night diebetes higher risk than those who slept longer.

They said the study supported mounting evidence that reducing the amount of sleep can have a serious impact on health. The study, conducted over 6 years was presented in the American Heart Association conference.

Cases of type 2 diabetes, which is often associated with obesity is increasing throughout the world. This is because the body produces too much insulin, but did not use the hormone efficiently to break down sugar in the blood.

Stumbling block in the diagnosed condition known as impaired fasting glucose levels is weak, in which blood sugar levels are too high but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

A team from the University of Buffalo, New York, followed a group of volunteers for 6 years. They found that people who slept an average of less than 6 hours a night during the working day has the possibility of 4.56 times more likely to have impaired fasting glucose levels weaker than those who slept 6-8 hours a night.

Lead researcher Dr. Lisa Rafalson said: “This study supports growing evidence of the association of inadequate sleep with adverse health issues.”

Area of ​​complex

According Rafalson, this relationship is based on hormones and the nervous system. “Our findings will hopefully spur additional research into the complex area of ​​sleep and illness,” he said.

Dr Neil Stanley, sleep expert from Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital said there is some evidence linking sleep deprivation with conditions like diabetes. However, he said the reasons are still unclear, although it is likely that sleep deprivation increases risk of weight gain, which in turn could increase the risk of diabetes.

“There is evidence that sleep deprivation invite appetite hormones, so you always want to eat, and eat the wrong foods, when we are tired we tend to crave sugary foods.”

Good night’s sleep, according to Stanley, is a biological necessity. “The body you want and need to sleep soundly every night, and if you get enough rest, you will be more active during the day.”

Diabetes Diet Myths and Facts

January 29, 2012 1 comment

Diabetes may make you avoid all of your favorite foods. In fact, this treatment is not the right step. Although many people believe and apply the way, this is just myth.

To help you design the proper diabetes blood money, here are some myths and facts about diabetes diaet:

Too much sugar trigger diabetes

Eating too much sugar alone will not make you suffer from diabetes. Diabetes occurs when the body susceptible to interference in changing the food you eat into energy.

Body break down the food you eat into glucose, a type of sugar that is needed to power the body’s cells. The cells will use glucose with the help of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas.

Type 1 diabetes will appear if the pancreas can not make insulin.Without insulin, sugar accumulates in the blood vessels.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when insulin production from pancreatic insufficient, insulin is not working properly, or both.

Too many rules in a diabetic diet

If you have diabetes, you need to design a diet. But the principle is simple: you choose foods that can cooperate with the activity and medications to keep blood sugar levels as normal as possible.

Carbohydrates are bad for diabetes

In fact, carbohydrates are good for diabetes. Carbohydrates serve as the foundation for a diabetic diet, as well as other diets.

Carbohydrates have the greatest effect on blood sugar levels.Therefore, you are asked to monitor the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Also, choose karbohirat the most rich in nutrients, such as whole-grain breads, fruits and vegetables. To help select the right type, it is better to consult a nutrition expert.

You may be more interested in eating protein given the large influence of carbohydrates on blood sugar. However, too much protein can also trigger the problem.
Protein-rich foods, like meat, rich in saturated fats tend. Eating too much of these fats increases the risk of heart disease. In a diabetic diet, the amount of protein should be 15 to 20 percent of your total daily calories.

Doses of drugs
Adjust dose of drug with the amount of food consumed. If you use insulin, you can learn to adjust the amount and type you use with the food consumed. But, that does not mean you can eat as you like and then use more medications to stabilize blood sugar levels.

If you use other types of diabetes drugs, do not try to adjust the dose with the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, except on your doctor’s instructions. Most diabetes drugs work best if consumed regularly as dictated by physicians.

Favorite foods
No need to stop eating your favorite foods. All you need to do is:
1. Changing how to cook your favorite foods.
2. Change or replace other foods that often you mix with your favorite foods.
3. Reducing the serving size.
4. Using your favorite food as a reward if you follow the diet.
5. Consult a nutrition expert to include your favorite foods in the diet.

10 Diabetes Causes and Solutions

January 29, 2012 Leave a comment

Our body is like a piggy bank. What we eat today will gradually stockpiled as a result of savings in the body we can feel a bit by bit, in a relatively long period of time. We also never thought that, if the food we drink, the food we eat, our habits will become even trigger the onset of the disease source.

Here are 10 small habits that trigger diabetes;

1. Sweet tea
A glass of the sweet contains 250-300 calories. Whereas women’s caloric needs of an average adult is 1900 calories per day. This is what causes the blood sugar levels soaring. Yet the risk of excess calories. End: obesity and diabetes.

Substitutes : Water, tea without sugar, or limit consumption of sugar is not more than two teaspoons a day.

2. Fried foods
Fried is one of high risk factors trigger degenerative diseases, like cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. The main cause of cardiovascular disease (PCV) is the blockage of coronary arteries, with one of the main risk factor was dyslipidemia. Increasing the proportion of dyslipidemia in the community due to the habit of eating a variety of foods low in fiber and high in fat, including fried.

Substitutes : Nuts Japan, or fruit pie.

3. Like snacking
A piece or more to replace eating biscuits is not a wise decision.Do not think by replacing the portion may shy away from obesity and diabetes. For meal replacement such as biscuits, potato chips, and other sweet pastries containing high carbohydrate content and without adequate food. All the food is classified in foods with high glycemic index. Mean while, sugar and flour contained in it have a role in raising blood sugar levels.

Substitutes : Fresh cut fruit.

4. Lack of sleep
If the quality of sleep is not obtained, so disturbed metabolism. Research experts from the University of Chicago revealed that lack of sleep for 3 days resulted in the body’s ability to process glucose decreased dramatically. That is, the risk of diabetes increases. Lack of sleep also can stimulate the kind of hormone in the blood that trigger appetite. Driven hunger, people with sleep disorders triggered by eating high-calorie foods that make blood sugar levels rise.

Solution : Sleep is not less than 6 hours a day, or should be 8 hours a day.

5. Lazy physical activity
World Health Organization (WHO) says diabetes cases in countries Asia will rise by 90 percent within the next 20 years. In conclusion, those who are less physically active have a higher risk of obesity than those who diligently biking, hiking, or other activities.

Solution : Biking to the office.

6. Often stress
Stress just as a flood, must be channeled to avoid flooding great. When stress comes, the body will increase production of hormones epinephrine and cortisol blood sugar to rise and there are reserves of energy to move. Our bodies are designed in such a way as to the best of intentions. However, if the blood sugar continues triggered by prolonged stress with no way out, might as well commit suicide slowly.

Solution : You need to talk to the maker or the problem may also confide to friends.

7. Addicted to cigarettes
An American study involving 4572 volunteer men and women found that active smokers the risk of diabetes rose by 22 percent.It added that the increase in risk is not just caused by smoking, but the combination of unhealthy lifestyles, such as diet and exercise.

Substitutes : sugar-free candy. A more progressive way is to follow the hypnotherapy. Choose a hypnotherapist who is experienced and certified.

8. Using the contraceptive pill
Most of the contraceptive pill is made from a combination of estrogen and
progestin, or progestin alone. Combination pills often cause changes in blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Dyah Purnamasari S, Sp PD, from the Division of Metabolic Endocrinology RSCM, hormonal contraceptive pills work against insulin. Because insulin work unopposed, the pancreas is forced to work harder to produce insulin. If left too long, the pancreas becomes tired and not functioning properly.

Solution : Limit the use of hormonal pills, no more than 5 years.

9. Scared black leather
According to the journal Diabetes Care, women with high intake of vitamin D and calcium at low risk of type 2 diabetes. Apart from food, the best source of vitamin D in sunlight. Twenty minutes exposure to sunlight in the morning is sufficient for vitamin D for three days.

Solution : Use a sunscreen cream before the “sun” in the light
morning sun for 10-15 minutes.

10. Avid soda
From research conducted by The Nurses’ Health Study II of 51,603 women aged 22-44 years, found that increased consumption of soft drinks to make weight and the risk of diabetes soared. The researchers said the increased risk was due to the existing content of sweetener in soft drinks. In addition, liquid calories do not make us full so motivated to drink more.

Substitutes : cold juice without sugar.

How to Solve Migraine Without Drug

January 29, 2012 1 comment

There are many drugs with or without a prescription that can help relieve some symptoms of migraine, but there is no medicine that can cure migraine. But there are ways to overcome migraines without taking medicine. What?

Although there is no drug that can actually cure the migraine, but by making small changes in diet and lifestyle you can reduce the frequency and severity of migraine.

Reported by Dailymail, here are some things you can do to solve with migraines without taking medicine:

1. Avoiding triggers
Migraine triggers include tobacco (nicotine can narrow blood vessels in the brain), too much heavy exercise, stress, changes in sleep patterns, headaches and neck, dental problems, certain foods, odors that sting, light and menstrual.

2. Notice the blood sugar levels
Decrease in blood sugar levels can trigger a migraine because it leads to glucose is released into the bloodstream, causing blood pressure to rise. Eat regularly every 4 hours and not more than 12 hours overnight without food.

Choose low-glycemic index foods such as fruits and vegetables, low-fat yogurt and cheese. Avoid high GI foods like white bread, pastries, sugary drinks and sweets.

3. Check your intake of caffeine
Too much caffeine can cause blood vessels surrounding the brain becomes too limited, which can trigger a migraine. More than 300 mg of caffeine a day (3 cups of ground coffee or 5 cups of instant) can cause problems. Try to reduce or switch to decaffeinated beverages. Chocolate also contains caffeine.

4. Flavorings or food additives (BTP)
Many people report sensitivity to food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame (artificial sweetener), tartrazine (a yellow dye used to color sodas and marzipan), Sulfites (found in wine) and sodium benzoate (found in shrimp, margarine, beverages lightweight and candy).

5. Chewable ginger
Chewing of ginger can relieve nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraine symptoms. Ginger can also block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that can cause inflammation in blood vessels in the brain and trigger a migraine.

6. Increase levels of serotonin
Studies have shown low levels of serotonin in migraine sufferers.Eat foods rich in protein such as chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, bananas, dates, wheat, rice, nuts and seeds to boost serotonin levels.

7. Drinking water
Dehydration can also trigger migraines. Tissues around the brain consists of water, so that when fluid loss network will shrink, causing irritation and pain. Drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day can reduce the severity, duration and frequency of migraine attacks.

8. Vitamin
5HTP is used to make serotonin, which helps to reduce the body’s susceptibility to migraine attacks. Butterbur and Coenzyme Q10 is also believed to help prevent migraines.

9. Eating foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium deficiency can cause reduced blood flow to the brain and also reduced blood sugar, which both affect the migraine attack. Foods such as green vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, potatoes, oats, peas and lots of extra yeast containing magnesium.

10. Yoga
Yoga can make you calm, reduce stress and ease aches and pains. Yoga can also alleviate stiffness in the neck and shoulders so as to prevent the recurrence of migraine symptoms.